Running the different systems within the state of New Jersey’s Judiciary is like a spaghetti system that encompasses many different networks and users. Yet with the help of Zscaler, Jack McCarthy, CIO for the state of New Jersey Judiciary, was able to overcome these challenges.


The Missouri Department of Economic Development’s Office of Broadband Development (OBD) and the University of Missouri (MU) Extension have partnered to conduct an online survey on household internet access and use.

Every government entity these days seems to want to improve its overall relationship with its customers; a far different position than two or three decades ago when governments at all levels didn’t know their customers, and frankly, didn’t want to bother to find out.


The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) said on March 1 that  it is seeking input on how to structure $2.7 billion in broadband grant programs to “ensure everyone in America has the digital skills and devices they need to realize the full potential of high-speed internet access.”

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