
State leaders in Maryland have rolled out new online resiliency tools to help provide important economic data to local economic and government decision makers.

As part of its push towards open data, the City of Chicago published comprehensive data on Transportation Network Providers (TNP) – commonly known as ride-hailing companies – on April 12.

The Maryland Department of Information Technology (MDIT) on March 28 announced the launch of its redesigned Open Data Portal, which supports 60,000 unique users accessing roughly 1,300 publicly available datasets annually.

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The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has declined to hear a case regarding the legality of Obama-era Net Neutrality rules–putting an end to a lengthy legal battle by declining to hear USTelecom’s appeal. The telecommunication industry group originally sued the Federal Communications Committee (FCC) under the belief that the FCC lacked the authority to impose public-utility, common-carrier obligations on broadband internet access service. Under the Obama-era rules, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) were barred from blocking or throttling web content or creating the so-called internet “fast lanes.”

Every year the National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO) releases its State CIO Top 10 Priorities. While the recently released 2018 list has a few predictable entries, it comes with a few surprises, too. 

Bloomberg Philanthropies’ What Works Cities (WWC) initiative added five new partner cities: Athens, Ga.; Chula Vista, Calif.; Colorado Springs; Gainesville, Fla.; and Palmdale, Calif. With the new additions WWC is now partnering with 95 cities across the country. The WWC initiative is working to improve the effectiveness of local governments by enhancing their use of data […]

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