The National Center for Education Statistics on Thursday released the Forum Guide to Education Data Privacy, which tells agencies what they should consider when developing privacy programs to protect student data. Concerns about sharing students’ data include the potential use of data for marketing purposes, the selling of student profiles to vendors, the risk of […]

School’s out for the summer, but that doesn’t mean administrators and tech staff aren’t hard at work upgrading technology infrastructure. K-12 schools are increasingly turning to the cloud to store, manage, and process data. However, cloud adoption is not without its hurdles and concerns.  CDW-G recently released a new infographic, “K-12 Cloud Possibilities,” that highlights […]

Full-time virtual charter school students show weaker academic growth compared to students of traditional public schools. A new report calls for policy reform for full-time virtual charter schools to hold these schools accountable, and produce better results for their students. The report was released by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, the 50-State Campaign […]

Compared to other majors, STEM students are most likely to believe companies will recruit them directly out of college, and 73 percent feel they will receive a good job upon graduation. McGraw-Hill’s Education 2016 Workforce Readiness Survey released in June discovered “only 40 percent of college seniors feel their college experience has been very helpful […]

Earlier this week 16,000 educators converged on Denver for ISTE 2016, the International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) annual conference. Attendees, presenters, and exhibitors took to Twitter to share what they were learning and announce new products by using #ISTE2016. Check out some of the top tweets from the conference.

Amazon announced at the International Society for Technology for Educators (ISTE 2016) on Monday the launch of Amazon Inspire, a free education resources platform for K-12 teachers to support digital learning in the classroom. The service provides educators access to thousands of free education resources from other teachers and educators, such as worksheets and lessons […]

Short attention spans are causing educators to rethink their teaching style. At the Higher Ed Leaders Forum in New York, panelists discussed the future of digital technology in education. Students are now accustomed to a certain level of technology, and have those expectations in the classroom.

In 2012, the Utah State Legislature recognized the importance of closing the academic achievement gap between wealthy students and those below the poverty line, and specifically wanted to find a way to close the gap before it even started. As a result, the Legislature passed a bill creating an early intervention program to help at-risk preschoolers. After looking at multiple programs and technologies, Utah selected UPSTART.

Next week, 16,000 educators will descend on Denver for ISTE 2016. The International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) annual conference runs June 26-29 and will feature 1,000 sessions highlighting technology in education. Here’s a preview of what to expect.

The school year might be over, but learning hasn’t stopped. While their students are off splashing in pools, relaxing on beaches, and sleeping in late, teachers are working on lesson plans and preparing their classrooms for the next school year. Teachers can also strengthen their ed tech skills with free webinars offered over summer break.

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