If you have experience in IT, you know that minor issues and anomalies in IT services can easily become a huge bottleneck for technicians. Without the right IT service desk technology, manual processing can bog down your resources and cause unnecessary waits for those needing help. As a result, end-user satisfaction will start to fall as people suffer through long hold queues and waste valuable work hours trying to resolve issues instead of focusing on their own projects. In this article, we will discuss three challenges faced by the IT service desk and how you can overcome them.

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Effectively managing the technology needs of more than 5,000 city employees, including employees that utilize technology in the field, requires the right combination of people, processes, and technology. 

After the COVID-19 pandemic led to an uptick in demand for digital services, the city of Raleigh, N.C. responded with a series of IT service management transformation steps to better meet the needs of its constituents.  Beth Stagner, the city’s Director of Enterprise Applications and Data, talked about the challenges and next steps in that transformation during a virtual webinar hosted by Government Technology on July 22.

The Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) said July 8 it has created, along with its partner UiPath, the first-ever public-sector offering for robotic process automation (RPA).

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