The College Board announced today that its SAT suite of assessments will be offered fully digital in the United States by 2024. The decision comes after the College Board piloted a digital exam in both the United States and internationally in Nov. 2021 amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) will use artificial intelligence-enabled walkthrough scanners to screen students, faculty, and visitors for improved campus safety.


While 2021 certainly had some attention-getting ransomware attacks, a new report from anti-virus software company Emsisoft found that ransomware attacks dropped in 2021 for both state and local governments (SLGs) and educational organizations.


Finalsite, an internet software company that provides website design, hosting, and content management solutions to school districts announced that a ransomware attack impacting 5,000 of its total 8,000 global customers.

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