Clemson University in South Carolina has tapped Tyler Saas to lead the school’s modernization efforts as its first associate vice president of technology modernization. In the new role, Saas will report to Brian Voss, the CIO and vice president of the Clemson Computing and Information Technology (CCIT).

The Georgia Department of Education has created a Reading Readiness Dashboard to allow easy and  transparent access to literacy data at the state, district, and school levels.

The Idaho Department of Education announced it will help states and charters install vape detectors in high school bathrooms and locker rooms through the Vape Detector Pilot grant.

Austin Peay State University  in Tennessee has opened the Furniture Connection EdTech Studio, a comprehensive learning hub that allows pre-service teachers to gain hands-on experience using virtual reality (VR) headsets, 3D printers, LEGO Education sets, robotics, coding devices, and other cutting-edge tools.

The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) and the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) have released the K-12 Community Vendor Assessment Tool Lite-V4.1 (K-12CVAT), a questionnaire framework specifically designed for K-12 schools, districts, and education service districts to measure vendor risk.

The Department of Commerce’s (DoC) Economic Development Administration (EDA) made public today the details of the 31 technology hubs’ proposals for the second phase of the new Tech Hubs program – revealing a collective request of $2 billion in funding for a total of 182 projects.

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