Nancy Rainosek, chief information security officer for the state of Texas, explained how her office has been providing secure technical infrastructure to employees executing their duties in a hybrid work environment, during an August 17 event entitled Stuck in Neutral: How to Jumpstart Change in Government, hosted by GovLoop.


Witnesses at a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on July 20 provided lawmakers with feedback about how local election officials are viewing security information being supplied to them by the Federal government, along with the need to train local officials on ways to defeat misinformation.

The Department of Energy (DoE) said on July 6 that it will prioritize awards under a $2.3 billion power grid modernization grant funding program to include systems at risk of disruptive events including cyber attacks.

A cyberattack on IT services provider Geographic Solutions, Inc. (GSI) has disrupted the provision of unemployment and workforce benefits for thousands of people in several states and Washington, D.C.

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