In a bid to address the statewide teacher shortage, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has launched its Virginia Licensure Online system (VALO). VDOE, which launched the new system late last year, said its goal is to modernize the teacher licensure process and make the application and renewal experience more user-friendly for prospective and current teachers.
“Every Virginia child deserves high-quality licensed teachers in their classrooms,” Superintendent of Public Instruction Lisa Coons said. “When I arrived at the Department earlier this year, I heard from superintendents and educators that the licensing process was not serving them well. We have focused on improving the experience Virginia’s teachers and aspiring educators have when applying to obtain their teaching license.”
“This new licensing system is a solid step forward in making it easier for qualified individuals to apply for a teaching license and will help reinforce to Virginia’s teachers that we value the work they do with students every day,” Coons added.
VDOE said VALO brings modern technology, including smart prompting and enhanced communication tools, to assist applicants as they move through the licensure process. Under the new system, it will be easier for prospective teachers to submit complete and accurate applications, keep track of their application status, and timely correct any needed information in their application.
The new VALO system is now online for all new and initial applicants for Virginia teacher licensure. Potential teachers can now access the new system at the Licensing Services section of the VDOE website. The state noted that renewals for current licensed teachers will begin in VALO later in the school year.