The Utah State Auditor has rolled out a new tool that aims to provide taxpayers with insights into real property values across the state.
The auditor’s office said the Property Values Tool is “the result of taxpayer concerns about inequitable valuations and questions about adequate oversight.” The state noted that Utah property owners are currently receiving their 2023 Notice of Property Valuation and Tax Changes, and said the new Property Values Tool is timed to help taxpayers review those notices within the larger context of property valuations within their neighborhoods and across their counties.
“The release of the new Property Values Tool brings greater transparency to Utah taxpayers,” said State Auditor John Dougall. “The Utah constitution requires uniform and equal treatment of properties in Utah. This tool will help Utahns better monitor that effort.”
The new online tool contains data provided by Utah’s county assessors. The auditor’s office said the tool will help taxpayers, policymakers, and regulators better understand property assessment in Utah. By using the tool, interested parties can examine parcel-level data across the state using different metrics.
“The public needs a tool like this, bringing transparency to the property valuation process and highlighting the critical work done by assessors across the State of Utah,” said Chris Stavros, Salt Lake County Assessor.
While many county assessors did contribute data to the Property Values Tool, some did not. Dougall offered criticism to accessors who did not make their data available.
“Unfortunately, some assessors do not welcome greater access to public assessment data. I’m concerned with those county officials who create barriers, making it difficult or costly for taxpayers to access, analyze, and use public information,” he said. “Every Utahn should be troubled by those who struggle to effectively perform their constitutional duty and shun public engagement and oversight.”