From 2006 to 2015, 6,700 firearms were transferred to individuals with prohibiting domestic violence records that should have prevented them from obtaining weapons. In a report released July 5, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) stated that better analysis of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) data could help lead to improved background checks on domestic violence […]

School’s out for the summer, but that doesn’t mean administrators and tech staff aren’t hard at work upgrading technology infrastructure. K-12 schools are increasingly turning to the cloud to store, manage, and process data. However, cloud adoption is not without its hurdles and concerns.  CDW-G recently released a new infographic, “K-12 Cloud Possibilities,” that highlights […]

Full-time virtual charter school students show weaker academic growth compared to students of traditional public schools. A new report calls for policy reform for full-time virtual charter schools to hold these schools accountable, and produce better results for their students. The report was released by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, the 50-State Campaign […]

The White House announced that it’s launching the Data Driven Justice initiative, which intends to use data to decrease prison recidivism and improve response and care for at-risk and mentally ill citizens.

Commercial data services can help the efficiency of program integrity activities for certain government agencies. The Government Accountability Office stated in a June 30 report that agencies can focus their efforts on other tasks if they allow commercial data service providers to offer Web and phone-based services to authenticate taxpayers’ identities. The Internal Revenue Service […]

The Minnesota Department of Human Services has expanded Medicaid coverage to include telerehab. Telemedicine is defined as the delivery of health care services while the patient is at one site, and the licensed health provider is at another, distant site.  The law also covers some rehabilitation services that are typically conducted face to face. Lawmakers […]

The introduction of self-driving vehicles could make roads both more and less safe, according to National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Chairman Christopher Hart. “The human is the most unreliable part of the system,” Hart said in a speech at the National Press Club on Thursday. “On the other hand, if the system encounters unanticipated circumstances, […]

Compared to other majors, STEM students are most likely to believe companies will recruit them directly out of college, and 73 percent feel they will receive a good job upon graduation. McGraw-Hill’s Education 2016 Workforce Readiness Survey released in June discovered “only 40 percent of college seniors feel their college experience has been very helpful […]

The Defense Health Agency is working on a way for a person injured overseas to have instant access to world-class health care. Cmdr. Tony Thornton, deputy director of the Health Information Technology Directorate at DHA, said the technology for making such connectivity possible was already available.

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