California’s City of Corona is a full-service city southeast of Los Angeles.  Corona serves over 168,000 residents with 22 departments.  Each boasts a diverse portfolio of citizen services, including utilities and public safety.  Corona’s Information Technology (IT) Department must provide reliable and cost-effective systems to support the City’s function and objectives – even through disaster or pandemic. 

For the first time in 2020, the United States Census Bureau offers an internet response option for the decennial count, and data from the bureau shows that most Americans responding to the survey are taking it online.

Every year the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) releases its top 10 technology priorities. On May 28, NACIO released a white paper describing what it is calling the Four Forces Model. The Model highlights the forces – political forces, customer forces, market forces, and inertial forces – that impact how CIOs do […]

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is responsible for maintaining one of the nation’s largest transportation systems, with infrastructure assets valued at more than $116B. Assets include 8,000+ lane miles, the second highest number of bridges of any state, and more than 680,000 additional assets beyond pavement and bridges – including waterways, public aviation facilities, and rail lines. More tonnage is moved through Ohio’s waterways than through the Panama Canal; and the state ranks third in the nation in terms of active rail lines.

As states shift their voting processes and procedures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, another element of the process for states has been subject to change—Federal funding, an inconsistency that has caused local election officials to adapt on the fly.


The Government Accountability Office (GAO) made several recommendations to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and others to improve coordination of cybersecurity requirements among Federal agencies to protect data shared with state government agencies.

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