Flint Waters, the chief information officer of Wyoming, is leaving public service on Sept. 23 to join Google in early October.
Since 2011, Waters has helped the state transition from state-owned data centers to Google’s cloud services.
Waters will join the Google for Work team to help government officials adopt Google products.
Waters presented Google with his IT accomplishments in Wyoming, including a case study that used Google Apps for Government. Wyoming was one of the first states to use Google Apps for Government and the first to move to the cloud.
Waters said his biggest challenge as CIO of Wyoming was “innovation at the speed of government.”
Waters created the Wyoming Unified Network, which is a system of fiber lines connecting major cities that deliver broadband access of 200 Kbps per student to schools in Wyoming. Waters said the speed will increase to 2 Mbps per student by 2018.
Gov. Matt Meade has moved the state to a centralized IT agency over the past year. Meade has not yet selected a replacement for Waters.