The University of Missouri–St. Louis (UMSL) has tapped retired Vice Admiral Robert Sharp, the former director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), to serve as a research fellow with the UMSL Geospatial Collaborative.


In this new role, Sharp will help guide efforts to lead collaborative K-16 workforce and talent development while strengthening and expanding the university’s partnerships.


“[Sharp] is a proven leader in the geospatial field, and we are so pleased that we can continue to work with him as we grow our collective geospatial ecosystem in alignment with NGA as well as the region’s GeoFutures Strategic Roadmap guided by Greater St. Louis Inc.,” UMSL Chancellor Kristin Sobolik said in a press release.


The UMSL Geospatial Collaborative aims to help develop the workforce pipeline that can support St. Louis’ rapidly growing geospatial sector, which has been catalyzed by the construction of NGA’s new west campus near downtown.


“The ongoing cooperation and collaboration in St. Louis between Federal, state, and local government, with business development leadership, industry partners, academia, and non-profit organizations are unique and powerful,” Sharp said.


Sharp also will help UMSL faculty, staff and students leverage the power of geographic information systems for multi-disciplinary research and assist in their leadership development.


“There are some truly amazing, ground-breaking initiatives underway as the city and region grows itself as the global hub for geospatial technology, research, and talent, and I’m eager to be a part of these special efforts,” Sharp said. “I love where UMSL is putting its focus and resources because they are at the heart of my real passion – investing in our people and our partnerships.”

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