The U.S. Census Bureau on April 11 unveiled a new data tool that provides transparency on racial and income data across the United States, and is searchable by individual states.
The My Community Explorer (MCE) tool is an interactive dashboard that provides a profile of all U.S. counties based on data collected via the census survey. The map highlights demographic and socioeconomic data that measure inequality and can help inform data-based solutions.
The bureau noted that the map is intended “to help users identify underserved communities as directed by the President’s executive order on diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in the Federal workforce.”
Users of the tool will be able to filter their searches by demographic data by state and on topics including race and ethnic makeup, income, economic statistics, and industry.
Additionally, the data shown on the map site includes information on poverty, educational attainment, and language spoken at home; statistics on the number of establishments, employment, and average annual payroll per employee; data on the number of firms and average annual revenue per firm; and data to measure the capacity of individuals and households to absorb the external stresses of the impacts of a disaster.