
The city of Baltimore will use $1 million in grant funding to ensure residents and communities have the skills, technology, and capacity needed to “reap the full benefits of a digital economy.”

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has appointed Dru Rai as the state’s new chief information officer (CIO) and director of the New York State Office of Information Technology Services.

elections voting vote

With the 2024 elections right around the corner, senators warned about issues arising from the use of unregulated AI technology, and said they will aim to approve legislation creating AI “guardrails” on election security by the end of this year.

Boston University (BU) announced that it has formed an AI Task Force that will asses both the benefits and drawbacks of generative artificial intelligence, as well as define pathways for the use of the technology on campus.

As artificial intelligence (AI) technology is seeing an explosion in interest and use cases in government, the governors of Pennsylvania and Virginia last week issued executive orders that aim to create baselines of policy for development of generative AI applications.

Following up on efforts that began in May of this year, the General Services Administration (GSA) and Department of Labor (DoL) have expanded their partnership to now offer all states the opportunity to use to help improve access, decrease fraud, and increase security in the delivery of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits.

The Biden administration has tapped the Departments of Homeland Security (DHS), Education (ED), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Justice (DOJ) to launch a public awareness campaign to highlight Federal school safety resources and evidence-based practices available through

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