New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announced the launch of two new interactive online dashboards to improve access to unemployment data for all New Yorkers supporting the governor’s commitment to data transparency and modernization.

The Poudre School District (PSD) has appointed Bud Hunt as its new chief technology officer (CTO). Hunt, who formerly served as the district’s executive director of Information Technology, officially began his new role on July 18.

Connecticut has announced that it has created seven new technology education programs at its public and private colleges and universities to increase the state’s competitiveness of its postsecondary institutions.

A group 10 of state attorneys general (AG) wrote a letter to Congress encouraging the legislators to set a Federal floor for critical privacy rights— and not a ceiling— while respecting important work already done by states to provide strong privacy protections for their residents.

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The House on July 12 approved by voice vote a bill that would provide surplus Federal government computer gear to educational institutions, veterans, individuals with disabilities, low-income individuals, students, or seniors in need.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced the launch of a statewide air quality and greenhouse gas mobile monitoring initiative, which is first being deployed in communities overburdened by environmental pollution.

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