The Department of Defense (DoD) has awarded a total of $40 million to four major universities and minority-serving institutions to establish new research centers of excellence as part of its Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority-serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) Research and Education Program.


As the Federal government is looking to recover and make sense of the rampant unemployment insurance (UI) fraud seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, experts today told members of Congress that the government is in dire need of a technology overhaul to keep up with fraudulent actors who are leveraging emerging technologies such as AI to steal taxpayer money.

With a new executive order (EO), New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy has created an Artificial Intelligence Task Force, which is tasked with studying emerging AI technologies. The governor’s office noted that the task force will be responsible for analyzing the potential impacts of AI on society as well as preparing recommendations to identify government actions encouraging the ethical use of AI technologies.


The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has redesigned the Illinois Hospital Report Card website with the aim of presenting patient safety and quality of care information in a more user-friendly format. The revamped website includes an updated Illinois Public Health Community Map, with county-level information on health outcomes and access to care across Illinois.

public sector

It’s no secret IT teams in the public sector are battling a variety of resource constraints due to accelerated digital transformation timelines, budget constraints and being understaffed. According to a survey from Gartner, there are a few barriers to deploying the types of emerging technology needed for digital transformation initiatives. These barriers include a lack of […]

After receiving unprecedented levels of Federal funding during the COVID-19 pandemic, state chief information officers (CIOs) are growing concerned about what will happen to their operations when that funding starts to run out.

Seattle has opened the application period for its 2024 Digital Equity Grant. Grants are available for non-profits and community groups that are working to close the digital divide across the city.

University of Massachusetts (UMass) Amherst has launched a new mobile check-in for tech support at the Information Technology Service Desk in the Campus Center. The goal of the new Mobile Check-In service is to help students, faculty, and staff save time and skip the line for in-person tech support service.

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