
The Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) program provides subsidized broadband service for eligible households. However, the program is now facing a trust challenge in its awareness campaign and is aiming to overcome that hurdle, said Jessica Rosenworcel, the acting chairwoman for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), on September 13 at an Internet Innovation Alliance webinar.


As the new school year gets underway, the nonprofit K12 Security Information Exchange (K12 SIX) released a set of guidance and best practice resources intended to help K-12 school districts and individual schools establish baseline cybersecurity standards.


The White House’s August 25 cybersecurity meeting between administration officials, tech-sector and other private-company CEOs, and representatives of the education and insurance sectors yielded a long list of big-dollar corporate commitments to improve security, and the pledges of educational institutions to offer programs that aim to help swell the size of the U.S. cybersecurity workforce.


As the new school year gets underway, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that it has received requests for $5.137 billion to fund 9.1 million connected devices and 5.4 million broadband connections as part of the $7.17 billion Emergency Connectivity Fund Program. As a result of demand, the FCC said it was opening a second filing window for funding requests.

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